Each branch/division of a legal entity will have a separate TAN if it is filing its separate TDS/TCS return. However there will be only one PAN for the legal entity.
Do not use single challan to deposit tax deducted under various sections.
Do not use single challan to deposit tax deducted for corporate and non corporate deductees.
Do not use same type of challan for depositing various types of tax like advance tax, self assessment tax, etc.
Do not make mistake in indicating the A.Y. and F.Y. to be indicated in the challan.
If you have multiple TANs for the same division filing TDs statements, do not use different TANs in different challans. Use one consistently and surrender the others.
Do not use preprinted challans you receive, without verifying whether the TAN/PAN quoted in these challans belongs to you. You can verify the same from the allotment letter.