Don’t Get Tricked! When and how to appoint First Auditor after registering company?

new company registration in India
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Congratulations on starting your new business! You’ve just registered your OPC, Pvt Ltd company, or LLP and are excited to get things going. But have you encountered online company registration portals pressuring you to appoint an auditor right away? This can be a sneaky tactic that can lock you into unnecessary costs and services.

Here’s the truth: You are in control of when to appoint your first auditor. Don’t let online portals trick you!

The Deceptive Practice: Unnecessary Auditor Appointment and ADT-1 Filing

Many online company registration service providers prioritize their own gain over your needs. Here’s how they might mislead you:

  • Rushing the Appointment: They might push for an immediate auditor appointment, often without your knowledge or consent. This can happen even before you’ve had a chance to understand your company’s financial needs.
  • ADT-1 Trap: Once they appoint an auditor (of their choosing, not yours!), they might file form ADT-1 on the MCA portal. This creates a false sense of urgency and makes it seem like this step is mandatory.

Why This Matters: Taking Control and Avoiding Hidden Costs

Appointing an auditor too early can have negative consequences:

  • Limited Control Over Your Choice: Removing an appointed auditor before the first AGM is a complex process, requiring justification. You’re stuck with their choice unless they resign voluntarily.
  • Unnecessary Expenses: Auditor fees can add up quickly, especially for a new company that may not yet have complex financial needs.
  • Forced Service Bundling: Filing a non-mandatory form like ADT-1 might lead them to pressure you into using their other services, even if you don’t need them.

Taking Charge: Appointing Your First Auditor on Your Terms

The decision to appoint an auditor should be made by your Board of Directors, considering your company’s specific situation. Here’s how to approach it the right way:

  • Focus on Building Your Business: Don’t feel pressured to rush the auditor appointment.
  • Choose the Right Time: Appoint an auditor when your operations are established and financial transparency becomes crucial for your growth.
  • Select the Right Auditor: Research and choose a reputable auditor who aligns with your company’s needs and budget.
  • Board Resolution and Appointment Letter: The Board formally appoints the chosen auditor through a resolution, followed by a formal appointment letter outlining the terms of engagement.

Remember: You have the legal right to wait and appoint an auditor at your own pace. Don’t be pressured into unnecessary services or filing forms that aren’t mandatory. Focus on building your business, and bring in an auditor when the time is right for a smooth and transparent financial journey. Don’t let online portals trick you into hidden costs and unnecessary burdens!

What is ADT-1?

ADT-1 is an electronic form filed with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in India. It stands for Appointment of Auditor – Form 1. While it’s not mandatory for appointing the first auditor of a company, it is required for subsequent auditor appointments.
Purpose: Informs the MCA about the appointment of a new auditor for a company (except for the very first auditor).
Who Files: The company is responsible for filing the form.
When to File: Within 15 days of appointing a new auditor (except for the first one).
Not Mandatory for First Auditor: The Companies Act allows the Board of Directors or company members to appoint the first auditor within a specific timeframe, but filing ADT-1 for this initial appointment is not compulsory.

How and when to appoint First Auditor of a new company?

The Companies Act, 2013, offers flexibility regarding the first auditor appointment:
>> The Board of Directors has 30 days from registration to appoint an auditor.
>> If they fail to do so, they must inform company members within the next day.
>> Company members then have 90 days to appoint an auditor at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) if needed.
>> The appointed auditor holds office until the conclusion of the first annual general meeting (AGM).

Is filing ADT-1 return on MCA portal mandatory for appointment of first auditor?

Many online portals and some consultants might mislead you into believing that appointing an auditor and filing form ADT-1 are mandatory right after company registration. This can lead to unnecessary stress and even fees associated with these services. ADT-1 is an electronic form filed with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in India. It stands for Appointment of Auditor – Form 1. While it’s not mandatory for appointing the first auditor of a company, it is required for subsequent auditor appointments.

Empower Yourself with Knowledge

For further information on company regulations and auditor appointments, refer to the following resources: