Forensic Audit by Chartered Accountants

Forensic audit is a specialized area of audit that deals with detecting frauds, financial irregularities, and errors. It involves the application of accounting, auditing, and investigative skills to obtain evidence that can be used in legal proceedings. Forensic audits are usually conducted in cases where there is suspicion of financial wrongdoing, such as embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, and financial statement fraud.

With the rise of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in India, the demand for forensic audits has increased significantly. This is because NBFCs often deal with high-risk loans and investments, which makes them more vulnerable to frauds and financial irregularities. Forensic audits help these companies to identify and mitigate risks, prevent financial losses, and maintain the trust of their stakeholders.

Manisha Mohol and Associates is a Chartered Accountants firm with headquarters in Ponda, Goa. We offer forensic audit services all over India. Our team of experienced Chartered Accountants uses a systematic and analytical approach to investigate financial irregularities and frauds. Our forensic audit services include:

  1. Investigation of financial frauds and irregularities
  2. Identification of potential areas of fraud and risk assessment
  3. Evaluation of internal controls and risk management systems
  4. Review of financial statements and related documents
  5. Analysis of transactions and cash flows
  6. Reporting and presentation of findings to management and stakeholders
  7. Providing expert testimony in legal proceedings

Our forensic audit services are designed to help our clients identify and mitigate financial risks, prevent frauds and financial irregularities, and maintain the trust of their stakeholders. With our expertise and experience, we are committed to providing high-quality forensic audit services to our clients all over India.