Bank Loan assistance

Bank Loan

Manisha Mohol and Associates, Chartered Accountants provides bank loan assistance to their clients. This service includes project finance, preparation of financial statements such as provisional balance sheets, and negotiation of terms through our internal legal and contracts team. Our team also assists the client throughout the loan process.

Our bank loan assistance service is designed to help clients secure the funding they need to start or grow their business. We work closely with clients to understand their financial goals and help them create a strong business plan that will attract lenders. Our team has extensive experience in the banking industry and can provide valuable insights into the loan process.

We also assist clients with the preparation of loan applications, including the documentation required by banks and financial institutions. Our team works closely with clients to ensure that all necessary documents are in order and that the loan application is complete and accurate.

At Manisha Mohol and Associates, Chartered Accountants, we understand that the loan process can be complicated and time-consuming. That’s why we provide our clients with the support they need to navigate the loan process and secure the funding they need to achieve their goals.

EDC Loan scheme

Manisha Mohol and Associates offer comprehensive assistance to clients who wish to avail of loan schemes offered by the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) of Goa. We understand that navigating the loan application process can be time-consuming and confusing, which is why we offer end-to-end assistance to help our clients obtain EDC loans.

Our EDC loan assistance service includes the following:

  1. Loan eligibility assessment: Our team of experts evaluates the client’s eligibility for various loan schemes offered by the EDC. We analyze the client’s financials, business plans, and other relevant factors to determine which loan schemes they qualify for.
  2. Loan application assistance: We help clients prepare their loan applications, ensuring that all required documents are in place and the application is complete in all respects. Our team also liaises with the EDC to ensure that the application is submitted on time and in the correct format.
  3. Negotiating loan terms: We negotiate with the EDC on behalf of our clients to secure the most favorable loan terms, including interest rates, repayment periods, and collateral requirements.
  4. Legal and contract support: Our internal legal and contracts team assists clients in preparing all necessary legal and contract documents required for the loan application process.
  5. Assistance until loan disbursement: We provide continued support to clients until the loan is disbursed, ensuring that all compliance requirements are met and all necessary steps are taken to facilitate the disbursement process.

At Manisha Mohol and Associates, we understand that each client’s requirements and circumstances are unique. Therefore, we offer personalized and customized solutions that meet their specific needs. With our EDC loan assistance service, clients can focus on their core business while we take care of the loan application process.

Various schemes of EDC are mentioned can be accessed at

Startup and MSME loan assistance

As a chartered accountancy firm, Manisha Mohol and Associates offer startup and MSME loan assistance services to help small businesses and startups in Goa to grow and expand their operations. Our team of experienced professionals provides end-to-end assistance in securing loans from financial institutions and government schemes.

Our startup and MSME loan assistance services include:

  1. Business Plan Preparation: We help clients to prepare a comprehensive business plan, which is a crucial document required for loan approvals.
  2. Loan Application Process: Our team assists in filling up the loan application form, compiling necessary documents, and submitting them to the financial institution.
  3. Loan Structuring: We help clients in understanding different loan structures and guide them in selecting the right type of loan as per their requirements.
  4. Negotiation and Finalization: Our team negotiates with the lender on behalf of the client to get favorable loan terms and conditions.
  5. Monitoring and Compliance: We monitor the loan disbursement process and ensure compliance with all the loan terms and conditions.

We understand that small businesses and startups require timely and hassle-free financial assistance to grow and expand. Our startup and MSME loan assistance services aim to simplify the loan application process and help our clients to secure loans with minimum effort and maximum benefits.

Project Report for loan

A project report is a critical component for businesses seeking any type of loan, especially for startups and MSMEs. The project report is a detailed and comprehensive document that outlines the project’s feasibility and viability, including its technical, financial, and economic aspects.

As Chartered Accountants, Manisha Mohol and Associates can assist businesses in preparing a detailed project report that meets the requirements of financial institutions and banks. The project report should be accurate, clear, and concise and should include the following key factors:

  1. Executive summary: This section summarizes the entire project report and is usually the first section that lenders read.
  2. Business description: This section describes the nature of the business, its vision, mission, and objectives.
  3. Market analysis: This section analyzes the market, industry trends, and the competition.
  4. Technical analysis: This section outlines the technical aspects of the project, including its design, technology, and operations.
  5. Financial analysis: This section covers the financial aspects of the project, including projections of revenue, expenses, and cash flow.
  6. Economic analysis: This section analyzes the economic aspects of the project, including its impact on employment, GDP, and other relevant economic factors.
  7. Project implementation: This section outlines the project’s implementation plan, including timelines, resources required, and risk analysis.

A well-prepared project report is critical for obtaining any loan, as it helps the lender evaluate the borrower’s creditworthiness and the project’s viability. The report should be accurate, comprehensive, and well-supported by data and research. Manisha Mohol and Associates can assist businesses in preparing a project report that meets the requirements of financial institutions and banks, helping them secure the loans needed to start or expand their businesses.