Save your thousands of Rupees using marginal tax relief.

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How can you save income tax under new tax regime?

In the labyrinth of tax laws and regulations, marginal tax relief stands out as a beacon of opportunity for savvy taxpayers. This mechanism is designed to prevent a disproportionate increase in tax liability for individuals who slightly exceed income thresholds for higher tax brackets. Understanding and applying marginal tax relief can significantly lower your tax bill, making it a strategy worth exploring for anyone looking to optimize their financial planning. In this blog post, we’ll demystify marginal tax relief and guide you on how to use it to your advantage.

What is Marginal Tax Relief?

Marginal tax relief is a provision that ensures individuals crossing into a higher tax bracket by a small margin don’t end up paying a disproportionate amount of tax on that excess income. This relief is crucial because it prevents your entire income from being taxed at a higher rate just because a small portion exceeds the threshold. Instead, you’re given relief on the amount of tax payable, smoothing the transition between tax brackets.

The Mechanics of Marginal Tax Relief

To grasp how marginal tax relief works, consider an individual who earns just slightly more than the threshold for a lower tax bracket. Without marginal tax relief, this small excess could result in a significantly higher tax rate applied to their entire income, leading to a substantial increase in tax liability. Marginal tax relief intervenes by limiting the additional tax payable to not more than the amount by which your income exceeds the threshold, ensuring fairness and proportionality in tax assessment.

Leveraging Marginal Tax Relief for Tax Savings

  1. Stay Informed About Tax Brackets: Awareness of the income thresholds for different tax brackets is the first step. By knowing these limits, you can better plan your income and investments to maximize the benefits of marginal tax relief.
  2. Income Smoothing: If you anticipate your income to be near a higher tax bracket threshold, consider strategies to smooth your income across years. This could involve deferring some income or advancing deductions to keep your taxable income within the lower bracket, thereby taking advantage of the relief.
  3. Tax Planning Consultation: Book an appointment by calling our number +91 9527 938 138 to receive personalized strategies to benefit from marginal tax relief. We offer tailored advice based on your financial situation and upcoming changes in tax laws.
  4. Investment Decisions: Certain investment choices can also help manage your taxable income. Contributions to retirement accounts, for example, can reduce your current taxable income and potentially keep you within a lower tax bracket.

Real-Life Application

Imagine an individual whose income is just above a tax bracket threshold, resulting in their entire income being taxed at a higher rate. By applying for marginal tax relief, the tax on the excess amount can be reduced, ensuring that the individual does not face a steep increase in their tax bill for marginally exceeding the threshold. This principle encourages tax-efficient income management and investments.


Marginal tax relief is a powerful tool in the tax-saving arsenal, offering a cushion against the potential harshness of stepping into a higher tax bracket by a narrow margin. By understanding and strategically planning around this relief, taxpayers can achieve a more favorable tax outcome. It underscores the importance of proactive financial planning and consultation with tax professionals to navigate the complexities of tax laws effectively. Remember, every Rupee saved in taxes through smart strategies like marginal tax relief is a Rupee that can be invested towards your financial goals. You may visit our Ponda, Goa office for consultation on this topic.