Filing a income tax return? Don’t forget to mentions this to your CA.

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To maximize tax savings and minimize scrutiny from the income tax department, do disclose these things to your Chartered Accountant for that, while filing your income tax return he or she can help you in the best possible way.

  1. Share all sources of income: Provide details about your earnings from your job, business, investments, property rentals, and any other income sources.
  2. Inform about eligible deductions: Mention all expenses that qualify for tax deductions under old tax regime, such as home loan interest, medical expenses, education costs, donations, and investments in schemes like EPF, PPF, and NPS.
  3. Discuss tax-saving investments: If you have chosen the old tax regime, let your Chartered Accountant know about any investments you have made to save taxes, like contributions to EPF, PPF, NPS, or tax-saving fixed deposits.
  4. Declare tax-exempt income: Include information about income that is exempt from taxes, such as agricultural income, dividends from specific investments, or income from certain allowances.
  5. Provide details about capital gains: Inform your Chartered Accountant about any profit or loss from selling assets like property, stocks, or mutual funds. Read this interesting article where amount of capital gain during income tax calculations gets reduced.
  6. Report foreign assets and income: If you have any assets, income, or bank accounts abroad, inform your Chartered Accountant to comply with FATCA and Indian tax laws.
  7. Share information about loans and liabilities: Let your Chartered Accountant know about any loans or debts you have, including home loans, education loans, or other outstanding amounts, as they may affect your tax liability.
  8. Disclose gifts and inheritances: If you have received any gifts or inheritances during the year, inform your Chartered Accountant, as they may have tax implications.
  9. Inform about income of spouse and children: Share details if your spouse or minor children have earned income that needs to be combined with your own for tax purposes.
  10. Discuss tax notices or disputes: Inform your Chartered Accountant about any tax notices, assessments, or ongoing disputes with the tax department to ensure accurate representation of your tax situation.

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